Soluciones Con LIBRE

A project of The LIBRE Initiative

We are bringing people together to talk about the policy solutions that will improve people’s lives, promote the common good, and empower individuals for the benefit of all.

Join us in uniting Hispanics to discuss the freedom-minded policies that will help us all succeed and build a better future, together!


At The LIBRE Initiative, we believe every person can contribute to the well-being of their community in their unique way. Government policy can help or hinder their ability to achieve that potential.

That’s why we launched Soluciones Con LIBRE, to spark the conversation about the policy solutions that will give people the freedom and opportunity to improve their lives and work toward the common good in their communities.

The Hispanic community around the country is concerned about issues such as education, health care, the economy, criminal justice, and more. In Washington and in local communities, it’s possible to bring policymakers, thought leaders, and engaged community members together to fix broken policies and break down barriers to better allow people to succeed.

Soluciones Con LIBRE offers a platform not just to hear about freedom-minded solutions, but to be a vibrant part of a dialogue that promotes empowering individuals for the benefit of all.



Economic Opportunity + Recovery

In recent years, the Hispanic community experienced tremendous economic strength as a result of numerous pro-growth federal policies that empowered individuals. Following the health and economic crisis in our country, it is imperative lawmakers continue to reduce barriers to opportunity. We support policies that foster innovation, remove barriers, and better equip everyone to improve their lives and the lives of others.

Health Care

To thrive, people need an approach to health care that increases access to quality, affordable care. That’s why we need policies that expand choice, improve quality, lower costs, and encourage the innovation that could transform health care for all. Such an approach would entail resisting expansion of government-controlled health care, improving access to personal health care options, and combatting COVID-19 with a comprehensive approach.

K-12 Education Reform

Education is essential for people to discover and develop their potential. It’s often in the classroom where students explore their gifts and the unique ways they can contribute to the world. That’s why students and families should have access to quality education tailored to the way they learn best and that helps them succeed. When families can choose the best education for their child, everyone wins.


Great things are possible when immigrants and non-immigrants have the freedom and opportunity to work together to build our nation and expand prosperity for all. That’s why we need to modernize America’s outdated, ineffective immigration system. The first step toward enacting immigration reform is creating a permanent solution for Dreamers. From there, we need to reform the U.S. visa system, address the undocumented population, and update and enhance border security and interior enforcement.


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